Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving :-)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I know, Christmas is wonderful, but there is really something special about Thanksgiving.  It's a lovely family holiday, and my family has always made it such a wonderful day.  So, I was scared to death about celebrating it here, actually I've been dreading it since I sent in my application for the job to begin with, but you know what, it was a wonderful day after all :-)

Thanksgiving, in South Korea.  :-)

It's all thanks to this awesome person :-)  And she had never even celebrated Thanksgiving before :-)

We were going to go to this place in town that was going to have a Thanksgiving dinner, but it kind of sounded like it was going to turn into a huge party, and at work I was getting really ridiculously sentimental, so I texted Lindie and asked her if we could just do something at home (which, of course, included her cooking) and if we could just have a small thing at the apartment.  :-)  So, that's what we did :-)

Soup, soup, lovely Thanksgiving soup!  Here she is slaving away in my tiny kitchen. . .

. . .while the rest of us did nothing.  :-)

But then it was time to eat!!  Yummy chicken, mushroom, and potato soup and lovely garlic bread :-)  Fantastic :-)

Me, happy as a clam.  :-)  Thanks to my Korea family :-)

And it ended up being a really wonderful night of just hanging out and getting ridiculously stuffed.  Just like Thanksgivings are supposed to be!!

And, here's a preview for Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!!  :-)

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