Sunday, August 1, 2010


My front door.  It has an electronic lock.  With a code. That I forget.  And then music plays when you get it right :-)  awesome.  That's actually my window, with the random thing hanging in it.  It wasn't my window when I took this picture, so that's not my random thing hanging.

The one with the blue sign is my apartment building.  Yes! The Best! It's called.  It is the biggest, so I'll give it that for sure!

The blue sign at the top left is my building...the brick looking one. 

Lots and lots of people in all those buildings there.  My building is on the far left hand side.

The black steeple there has a glowing red cross on top...interesting at night.  It's the newest looking building in Moogu Dong.

On both ends of the city are endless apartment buildings.

Lots to do around here.  :-)  Every street looks sort of like this, all the side streets I mean.  Just signs, signs, signs, for shops, bars, and interesting places to eat.

This is the checkpoint, right in the middle of Moogu-Dong.  In that rounded off building there's a McDonald's on the first and second floor.  To the left is the road that takes you to my building, to the right is the university and the pc lab that I use everyday.

Downtown Moogu-Dong in the morning.  No one but me around :-)  well, and school kids.  I cross this every morning on the way to the computer lab

Downtown Moogu-Dong from the otherside

This didn't work out like I wanted it to...this pole got in the way, and people thought I was crazy for trying to take a picture.  This lane is filled with people...and cars drive on it as well.  It's wild stuff.

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