Thursday, August 12, 2010

Food Blog :-)

This is a celebration blog because I've been living almost exclusively on Oreo O's. 
As amazing as they are, when Lindie suggested we meet at the grocery store and buy some lovely things to cook, I was on board instantly.  When I found out that she was going to do all the cooking and all I had to do was show up and eat I definitely did a happy dance :-)

So, we met at the store, found some lovely red meat, picked out a few other ingredients, and headed back to her place.

I almost hate to admit I had been so looking forward to this all day it wasn't even funny :-)

She did all the work, and I just took pictures, so here we are:

I can barely feed myself cereal. . .Lindie manages to cook every night in a tiny, tiny, freaking tiny kitchen.  That's skill you're seeing right there, folks. :-)

Stir fry with noodles :-)  Look at all those yummy fresh veggies!!  :-)

Time to add the actual treasure :-)  Yummy beef!  :-)

I meant treasure literally.  See that price tag??  It's 23,556 Won.  $19.74.  145 Rand (I think I did that right...)  Can anyone read what that says?  Because I'm pretty sure it says "Hand fed only the purest and rarest grain by only the most beautiful and exotic virgins."  We both thought it was a package number or something...Whoops.

I wish I could include smell in the'll just have to use your imagination.  I don't think peppers and onions have ever smelled so good to me :-)  She had the noodles in a bowl next to the sink and I very nearly washed it and ruined the whole dinner we were so excited for.  Thankfully Lindie brought this to my attention before we were both cast into food depression. 

"Is it almost ready yet????"  PS, those are the most amazing cherry tomatoes I've ever tasted.  They were like candy.  Fantastic.  

Yum.  Stir fry noodles with magic beef, grape Fanta, and (of course) chop sticks.  Amazing.  THANK YOU, LINDIE!!!  :-)  That beef was fantastic, by the way, it tasted like roast beef and was fabulous. 

Tomorrow I have six million classes, but then 9am Saturday morning Lindie and I are off to the Pine Forest, Scenic Sight of Ulsan #2 :-)

Have a great night!!

1 comment:

  1. love reading your blog Jean!!!!

    Be safe!

    Love Aunt Kathie
