About a month ago, now, maybe more I guess, Anriette's and my taekwondo teacher mentioned to us that he wanted to have a really awesome summer camp English/Taekwondo program for his kids.
Now, for whatever reason we jumped at the chance and started planning an every-Saturday summer camp/promotional program for his studio that was, of course, going to be the most amazing thing to ever happen to Korea in all of Korean history.
Maybe we didn't get it exactly how we wanted it. . .but it's been a lot of fun. So, here are some of the highlights from the first three weeks!
WEEK ONE-Giving the kids English names, and getting them on EPIC red and blue teams!
Getting ready for the first kids to arrive. There's a list of English boys and girls names, stickers, name tags, markers, what else do you need? |
BLUE TEAM! And Blue Leader! :-) |
Red team practicing writing their new names. |
Blue team practicing their names. |
"Who is Josh?!" |
Practicing "My name is" "His name is" etc/ |
Game time!! |
And of course snack time.
Week Two! Complete with outside time.
Julie and Ian who are amazing and came to help us. And are just awesome in general. |
Going for a walk. |
Practicing taekwondo, study books in hand! |
High block! Practicing the English words for all of their moves. |
Julie and blue team's fearless leader. |
Ian and I. . .we get along SO well it's ridiculous. |
The coolest English teachers in the world, basically. |
Blue team's little darling, Lexie. |
Then. ..there was suddenly a birthday party. |
Woo hoo! Props for photos! :-) |
Week 3! In which there was a bit of chaos and then some really cute things happened.
Practicing "I'm running" "He's laughing" etc, with crazy actions. Nothing like making a fool out of yourself for your kids! :-) |
And just for giggles, here's a video! Just to show you how seriously we take this stuff.
Speed round: He is/She is |
Snack time. |
Once upon a time there was this kid. We named him Willow. He's actually completely, adorably, outside of his brain. And here, he's wearing someone's sunglasses, just for the heck of it. |
The first week, this new little girl signed up. She not only didn't speak or smile, she actually looked like a very, very, perfectly sad doll. Just the picture of sadness. Then, a few weeks later, here she is. This is the motto that Anriette and I helped our teacher to write. Here are the words, although she says them really well. "Taekwondo Motto: I practice for strong body, strong mind, for courage, to be brave, defend the weak, become a hero! Taekwondo"
*She's on
my team! ^^*
Then there was this other thing he wrote with all of these actions with English names that they could chant. It's really cute. Here are two of the more serious little guys, David and Joon, rocking it. "Knife hand, palm straight, back fist, strike, scissor block, open hand, low block, fighting stance, body block, high block, low block, middle block."
*They are
both on my team ^^*
Here, because it's just really amazing, is little Willow doing the taekwondo motto.
And that's it so far! ^^ |
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