Okay, this is going to take a while. . .are you ready??
It seemed like nothing really happened this last month, that we went out and we did stuff and everything but there was nothing really to sit down and blog about. But then I realized that I was too busy with something to actually sit down and blog to begin with. So, I looked back at my pictures and realized, hey, there have been quite a few things that have happened in the past 30 or so days. And here it is!
So, several weeks ago we decided that we needed a movie night. A movie and junk food night to be more precise. After work Albert ran out and got pizza, and chicken AND McDonald's and we sat down to watch Aliens. Awesome.
Junk food of champions :-) |
A little while later, Anriette and I had our first taekwondo party/get together shindig. We were supposed to meet him outside of the gym, so here we are, waiting. :-)
We don't have to work out today! :-) |
We went out to dinner and hung out for a while and then decided to meet them up a little later. On our way walking around we saw this little gem:
Hello Kitty Hitler?? |
While we were waiting for the rest of the group to get together again, we met up at this new sports bar in our town, Albert, Jim, Anriette and I.
Cheese ^^ |
Then we went upstairs to our friend Carmen's bar to say hi, and she brought us a cake. Awesome. :-)
yum |
Then we met the rest of the group again. . .
and Albert and I traded glasses. . . |
A little while later Albert, Anriette, Cha Mahn and I decided to surrender to our new favorite temptation gal mei gi sal and while we were there Cha Mahn ordered us a very interesting new meal. . .
Don't think they get along so well. . .what do you think? |
. . .cow intestines. . . |
Here are a few videos about the lovely cow intestines.
hmmmmmm.... |
Then, later, we all went to the beach together, Albert, Anriette, Lindie, Rob, Jim and I, to camp out for a long weekend. We all REALLY needed the long weekend, and we thought sitting on the beach for a few days would be a perfect way to spend it.
Rob, Jim, Albert and I. Jim is successfully hidden. |
Lindie loving the sun. |
We had the whole beach to ourselves, mostly. Pretty awesome :-) |
Good times! |
Our tents. |
A closed carnival nearby. |
After our first night, there was really nothing to do but sit in the sun. The water was unbelievably cold, so we would sit out and bake for a while and then go in and freeze, come out and bake, then go and freeze then go get ice cream and something to drink. Good times :-) |
The girls and I went to a restaurant to try and get some raw meat to bbq on the beach, more of a mission than we thought, but eventually we got it sorted. So, we bbq-ed our first night and then again for lunch. Delicious! |
We stayed about half of the day the next day and decided we'd had enough baking, so we went home and had another junk food movie night. And it was great. :-)
We still had another day of our long weekend and when we woke up in the morning we were relaxed, incredibly sunburned, and ready for another adventure. . .at least a culinary one.
We went out to get some sushi and on the way I remembered I had heard this epic tale of this gigantic buffet near where I work that had a LOT of sushi, plus just about everything else you could think of. Everything.
Look. At. This. Sushi, sushimi, crab legs, amazing!!! |
I think we all had about 16 plates of food, several of them just sushi, and then it was time for dessert!
Chocolate fountain, baby! |
Delicious waffles! :-) |
Then we all went to a Wal Mart type store and played for quite a while. Jim bought a mech model and then we took it home so that Anriette could put the six million piece thing together.
Here's how he looked after she finished! |
Pretty cool, eh? |
A couple of weeks later Ted came back into town!! YAY!!!! So, we had to see him, Albert and I.
Water cheers! :-) |
Early evening singing room! :-) |
After dinner hookah, for old time's sake. |
Those boys are so much better at this than I am. |
Albert and Ted switched hats. What do you think? |
Then, the big day arrived where I was going to break my first board! I know it's already on facebook, so I won't talk too much about it. But here's the gym Anriette and I go to everyday :-)
Let's fight, Master Jack! Just kidding, you'll totally end my life. |
Last week I went to Terry's school for the first time. You guys remember Terry, right? The coolest cat you're ever gonna meet? Well, he's starting his own school so I went over there after work on Friday to check it out. It was pretty awesome. Then it was time for work.
Happiest floor scrubber on the planet! |
His classroom :-) |
We had a good time, got all the floors scrubbed, and talked until almost 4 in the morning. Terry, brother, you are made of awesome.
There's this Indian shop in our town so Anriette and I had to check it out to get some cute stuff for our apartments. It's a really cute place and the girl who owns it is pretty awesome. She's been all over the world and she speaks English really well so she was telling us all about her travels. On the way to the shop we found this little garage. . .this very, very small garage.
Could you imagine having to park in here?? |
We wanted to go do something. We wanted to do something with Master Jack. We asked him if he wanted to go see a movie with us, he wanted to see the new Transformers movie so he tried to get us tickets, but it was Saturday night on opening weekend so we couldn't get tickets. While we were trying to figure out something else to do he picked us up in his car with his friend and drove us out to the beach. Awesome.
Dinner with the boys. :-) |
Outside the restaurant at Ilsan Beach :-) |
With Master Jack :-) |
Then we went for a walk on the beach. Even with how crazy hot it gets here during the day, by the freezing water it was a little chilly, so the boys went to get some jackets. |
While we were waiting for the guys :-) |
They brought us back some more food. . .some conch mussels. . .very interesting. . . |
Then we went to a singing room. |
Cheesing with the Master. |
Pretty fun night :-) The next day we woke up and went out to get some take out sushi for lunch and watch a movie. :-)
Lovely! They even gave us take out soup and coffee :-) |
Then, it was 4th of July! :-) So, Albert, Anriette and I met up with Sheila and a bunch of other people on the roof of her building to eat some pizza and light some fireworks. :-)
The most Americans I've seen in one place since I got here! |
Happy 4th! :-) |
Albert and I trying to be angry at each other. |
Sheila! :-) She had to go home early :-( I miss you, girlie!! |
Ben, Kate, Albert, Sheila, and Anriette |
This is Houston Holmes picture he took with his awesome camera, Republic of Korea! |
Korea! Also his photo. We did a lot of these that night :-) |
So, the board breaking thing. I broke two more the next night and accidentally hurt my foot. Over the weekend it got pretty swollen, and Monday's practice didn't really help either, so I went to class on Tuesday, told him about it, and he decided to take me to acupuncture. Woo hoo!
They put the needles in, then they took this thing just like the horrible thing they use to prick your finger when you give blood, and stabbed me six times in the foot, then put this suction cup thing on (the thing in the picture) to suck the blood out. |
Really helped it loosen up for a while, and pretty interesting, actually. |
Then they put a heat pack on it and microwaved it for a while. |
So, now I've done that! :-)
The next Friday night we all went over to Terry's school, Albert, Anriette, Lindie and I, to help get things finished up and Lindie was going to paint all kinds of things on the walls. We got there about 10:30 and left about 8:30 the next morning. Whew!
Where we were trying to get ideas together for quotes for the wall. |
Albert and I a couple of hours in. . .before the sky started turning purple. |
The tired crew. |
Lindie and Anriette detailing the bathroom :-) |
Shopaholic girl Lindie made :-) |
Detailing. . . |
"I'm so tired!" |
More detailing. The sun is totally out now! |
Terry and Cecilia |
Albert writing quotes on the door. |
How cute are these bookshelves! And the grass at the bottom! |
Anriette and Cecilia |
Girls bathroom wall |
Working on the quotes! |
BTN! Better Than Native, Better Than Now! Woo go Terry! |
:-) |
Tired crew, about 6am. |
We didn't get everything finished, but we will get everything finished this week, I'm sure. It took 10 hours, 3 trips to HomePlus (like Walmart) several food and drink runs, and a of couple mp3 players worth of music but we got a lot of work done. But we I mean mostly Lindie. :-)
So, those are the highlights of the past month or so. Whew, I'm never doing that again! Weekly updates or bust! :-)
Looks like you are still having so much fun, Jean!