Right now I am tearing into some really good take-away chicken that my little angel of mercy, Lindie, brought over last night and watching a stupid movie on TV and thought that I would tell you a little bit about yesterday, Pepero Day.
Pepero Day. Peperos are little cookie sticks that are dipped in chocolate. The kids love them but will tell you straight up that it's a corporate holiday, but that didn't stop Lindie and I from buying a ton and a half of them to hand out to our students that day :-)
Peperos of all shapes, sizes, and. . .coatings. |
These boxes were cute, and talked about love, well "I want my love to grown in you" is what they said. So, we bought them because they were entertaining. I ended up also getting one from a student, haven't tried them yet, I hope they're awesome. |
But, it was also lunch time for sure, right after our Wednesday Korean lesson. This is Lotteria, it's like a Burger King or more like a Dairy Queen (without the ice cream) These are "giant double cheeseburgers" they aren't so giant. . .the red bags have fries in them and you put these little packets of seasoning on them. Awesome. Lindie had sour cream and onion and I had Kraft Mac and Cheese (not really, but it tastes exactly like it!) |
So, after delivering Peperos to the teachers and the students, this was my desk half way through the day. YAY!!
See the big brown ones on top? Awesome. I even got a note book :-) Lovely students :-) |
At the end of the day I had a LOT to take home with me. I think I have a year's supply of Pepero sitting on my couch :-)
So, today, it was such a pretty day I decided to take pictures of some of the scenery on my way to work everyday.
Pretty trees :-) |
Just a lot of buildings. . .and cars. |
:-) |
So. Many. Signs. |
Is that a tiger by the electronics store? Why, yes it is! |
It's really quite a pretty city. |
This is a pretty popular shopping complex. I just thought the trees were pretty :-) It's one of my landmarks. When I see this, it's time to start thinking about getting my stuff together. |
Pizza Hut :-) A two story Pizza Hut :-) |
Pretty trees and a giant TV. :-) |
Christmas already??? |
So, after teaching for the day I thought I would take another couple of pictures of Friday night in downtown Ulsan. Or Samsun. Or where I work. Whatever. :-)
This is the street that I take to get from my school to my bus stop. Lots of restaurants here. |
Pretty Christmas lights at WA Bar. |
Getting close to the middle of the downtown area. See all the papers on the ground? Everyone hands out ads for their various bars or restaurants and people just throw them on the ground. You should see this place in the morning. It's a wreck. |
There's a teddy bear mascot that I didn't notice until after I took the picture. Also, Lindie is right behind the mascot and we ran into each other totally by accident. But then it was time to get on the bus. It was pretty chilly and I must have looked cold because on the same corner a really nice man handed me a hand warmed and just said "hot" and smiled. Thanks nice stranger!! |
Here it is. :-) |
The windows on the bus on the way home were REALLY dirty so all the pictures I took looked gross. So, I decided to take a picture of my home town, my Mugeo Dong, from the bridge at my bus stop.
All those buildings in the foreground are one-room apartments. Then the rest of the city to the university is behind. Pretty, right? Lots, and lots, and lots of apartments right here. |
Moon over Mugeo-Dong. :-) |
And now it's time to have a nice cup of coffee with some more lovely Peperos. :-) Good night!!
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