So, this past Friday, my friend Elien did the meanest thing in the world and worked her last day. Which meant, it was time for a going away party. Going away parties are pretty awesome because they mean a lot of free food (a LOT) and a chance to get to know my coworkers a little bit better. But this one was different, because, like I said, it was because of the meanest thing ever: Elien leaving.
Okay, so it's wasn't so mean. It's actually a really cool thing that she's doing, and in the meantime, it was a really fun party. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures of the first place that we went to eat (it was like a progressive dinner, you see) but, the second place was really fun because we had our own little room. But, I think I still didn't take really great pictures, but I still want to show you some of the really cool people that I work with, so hopefully they won't mind and they will let me take more pictures another time :-)
This is Ginny, Mia, and Andy.
Actually, quite a delicious fish :-)
Sunny, Ginny, Mia, and Andy and more food :-)
Look at that fruit!! Oh my goodness I can't even tell you how delicious it was!
Me and an umbrella, and Mac (who didn't know he was in the picture, obviously)
VERY spicy soup!
Good luck in Australia, Elien! I'm sure it's going to be awesome!
After I got home (I won't tell you what time, because it was a little ridiculous) I slept a little before Lindie's and my hair appointment with the fantastic Ji Young. She's this really great lady who Lindie and I met at the English Cafe where we take Korean lessons. She owns a hair salon, so we asked her if we could get appointments to get some rocking hair styles and we got one for 9am this past Saturday. So, we met her at the cafe, and off we went.
Lindie wasn't completely sure what she wanted, just that she wanted it permed and blue. So, I convinced her she should start with bangs. :-)
It all started with the bangs. . .
Then it got serious. . .
Triple teamed. . .and I think they're preparing her for cranial electronic shock treatment.
This is Raina, Anne, and Ji Young (or Herra)
Part one is nearly complete.
Anne :-) This was such a fun morning :-)
getting curly!!
Looks like blueberries :-)
And this was mine :-) Pretty awesome, right??
Definitely awesome. :-)
Totally new look. We decided that she looked like Wonder Woman (or a seven year old. . . :-) )
Such a fun morning!
She did a lovely job! :-)
That night, there was a rock show in Shinnae, so we had to go to show off our new do's. But it was raining. Now, is that fair?
No. No it isn't.
But it made for some pretty cute pics. Except, that we forgot umbrellas. So, it was, as always, an adventure.
We obviously ended up with some. But, still, rain??
At the end of the concert they gave us sparklers. How amazing is that? :)
Sunday, I did nothing. Well, I watched movies, and it was amazing. :-) This coming weekend, there should be a little more going on, so I'll be sure to have another blog up soon :-)
Have a great rest of the week!!!
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