After we recovered from our day at the beach we decided that we needed to check out Foreigner Day :-)
I didn't even know there was a Foreigner Day. . .I thought it was just "play soccer and die of heat stroke" day, but Lindie called, I called Albert, and then we decided to check it out.
As usual, planning was easy, but actually getting there was a lot tougher than we thought :-)
We headed to the soccer stadium, but it wasn't there. When we called around for directions and realized that we had a ways to go to get there and we had no bus stops in sight and randomly not a single cab to be found. So, we walked :-) In the six thousand degree heat :-) But we did eventually find out way.
This was at the soccer stadium and we all just thought it was amazing :-) |
This was also at the stadium. Pretty cool, huh?? |
It was at the archery range, randomly enough :-) I'm not sure what I thought it was going to be, but it was actually really cool. There were a bunch of booths set up with all these different things to do and see. And, of course, soccer :-)
We made it! :-) |
These soccer fields were perfect. I don't know how they were playing in the heat, but they were :-) |
Some of the booths :-) "Traditional costumes of each country" and "Sales of Handicrafts" :-) |
"Traditional Korean Games" "Traditional Korean Instruments" "Nail Art" and all kinds of cool things :-) |
Who can resist the call of giant bubbles??? |
This was "Writing of the Family Motto" I think. It looked really cool :-) |
This little girl was too cute :-) |
Lindie and Albert at the "Traditional Korean Instrument" tent. They were playing them very nontraditionally, but the lady was so very sweet :-) |
Little gong. It sounded awesome :-) |
Bigger gong. Also sounded very cool :-) |
Pretty sure everyone realized he was a natural at this drum :-) |
Aren't they pretty?? |
This was at the Costumes of the World stand. The lady running this booth was so sweet. :-) And she had some really beautiful things :-) |
Pretty awesome, right?? :-) |
Don't they look happy? :-) Fantastic. |
While Albert was at the free international calling booth, Lindie and I decided we should see what was going on over here. Well, I decided to see and to drag Lindie kicking and screaming :-) |
We filled out our information and sat down. We were expecting acupuncture but I think we missed the time. We sat down next to this woman and she started telling us what it was all about. They look like cigarettes but they're like little incense sticks and they're burning. They're on little metal disks. Did I mention they were burning? The ones in her hand were on a bit of thin paper but there's one stuck to her skin, do you see?? And, it's burning, don't forget! |
So, then, it was our turn. It starts off alright, but then suddenly the metal disks really heat up. The woman next to us said that it was most effective to keep it in the center of your hand, like Lindie's is here, but I'm here to tell you, once it heated up it was impossible to keep it anywhere. She said that the center of the hand like that represents the whole body. Toward the top of your middle finger was the head, in the middle, the abdomen, and the heel was the feet. This was supposed to help with all sorts of problems, head to foot. I asked her why she had one literally stuck to the side of her wrist and she told me she had a pain. I'm quite sure that she did have a pain. |
This required 100% of our concentration. Inside, we were crying :-) And everyone around us was just as relaxed as could be, like they were just sitting there not holding scalding hot metal in their hands. I don't know how they did it. We made a bit of a spectacle of ourselves, I'm afraid. . . |
The lady who was sitting next to me was finished and said that she would take a picture of the three of us. We tried to take a picture with our actual (or maybe exaggerated) pained expressions, but she kept telling us to smile :-) We had to do it twice on each hand (Lindie did it three times on one. . .she just kept handing her strips of them :-) |
Nothing takes your mind off of a palm full of fire like food :-) These dumplings were fantastic, like a spinach type of dumpling. And the sauce tasted like soy/bbq. Awesome. |
Lindie, looking fabulous :-) |
Was this your first dumpling, Albert?? :-) |
We needed to play with the bubbles. :-) |
After this, we went to Samsan to get some fun dinner in the basement of Lotte Department Store. Before we went down there, though, we went into the square between the two department stores. There was a band playing :-)
They were rocking out :-) |
We sat there listening to them for a few minutes and then they started playing Piano Man. Of all the songs in the whole world, why would they choose Piano Man? So, they're up there singing their hearts out, and we're sitting there crying. They did a really great job of it, but it was nostalgia city.
I really think our dinner would have been a little more exotic had we not just been heartbroken by that band, so we got several things that were a little closer to home :-) Potato wedges, Cream Shrimp, a twice baked potato, sweet potato fries, chicken dongas, and teriyaki chicken (the spiciest teriyaki chicken ever!) Very yummy, and very starchy :-) |
Then we needed ice cream :-) |
Pralines and Cream :-) |
We ate a lot. So, we had to walk around a little while. And guess what we found?!??
What could this be!?! |
Smuckers, Skippy, Heinz, Hunts, pb&j in one jar, aaahhhhh |
Maple syrup! :-) |
Hershey Cocoa and Swiss Miss :-) Perfect |
Nacho Cheese! :-) |
Listen, it's something that you have to have :-) |
Choco Baby :-) |
Yummy, lovely, familiar chocolate :-) |
There was so much to see :-) I'm pretty sure we could have stayed in there all day, I mean, we only explored one floor, and there's like, eight. :-)
It was another awesome weekend day :-) I can't wait until next weekend :-)
very cool. looks like you had a blast.