Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I've decided to punish all of you with a slide show :-)

It's been forever, there's really no point in apologizing for it. . .but I made a slide show of. . .basically everything that has happened since the last blog.

The slide show covers Anriette's birthday, my green belt, our purple and blue belt tests, Cheusok, dinner parties, and tons of other things.

The updates, in short, are that the past several months have been really amazing.  Albert is going home soon (NOOOOOO!)  Rob is also leaving :-( but Lindie is moving back to Mugeo, so that will be pretty awesome.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm going home for Christmas in exactly a month!

Of course, there's a lot more than that. . .but that is the VERY short story.

Here are some great pics of some really awesome times in Korea :-)

The songs are Starlight, by Muse, Don't Stop Believin', by Journey (both of which we make habits of singing almost every time we go to a singing room. . .which is up to about 436 times at this point) and Russian Unicorn by Bad Lip Reading, which isn't exactly a song but is still awesome.

Sorry guys.